Everyday Science Mcqs

Everyday Sciene Mcqs
This category of Mcqsfactory Everyday Science Mcqs. Here you will find the General Science Multiple Choice Questions MCQs are from Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Atmospheric Studies. Everyday Science Online Test to Mcqs Preparation Practice Questions. All Important Abbreviation related to Everyday Science in MCQs. General Science MCQs and Scientific facts MCQs. Everyday Science MCQs with Answers.


3.Discoveries/Inventions4.Measuring Tools
5. MCQS Material6.Scientific Reasons
7.Differences8.Short/Long Notes

How does a man die by touching a live wire?

A. The current passes into the earth through the man’s body. As the circuit is complete it burns the body.
B. The current stops the flow of blood through the heart.
C. It affects the nervous system and so kills brain cells.
D. None of these




Submitted by: Toheed Ahmed

Why are two blankets warmer than one ________?

A. Two blankets have more wool and so warmer
B. Two blankest enclose air which does not allow the cold to penetrate.
C. Two blankets compress the air in between the body and the blankets and this compression produces heat.
D. None of these




Submitted by: Toheed Ahmed

How does a bulb emit light?

A. As the electricity passes into the bulb its glass begins to shine.
B. As electricity passes in the vaccum of the bulb it changes into heat, so glows.
C. The current passes through a tungsten wire of high resistance which becomes so hot as to glow.
D. None of these




Submitted by: Toheed Ahmed