Everyday Science Mcqs

Everyday Sciene Mcqs
This category of Mcqsfactory Everyday Science Mcqs. Here you will find the General Science Multiple Choice Questions MCQs are from Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Atmospheric Studies. Everyday Science Online Test to Mcqs Preparation Practice Questions. All Important Abbreviation related to Everyday Science in MCQs. General Science MCQs and Scientific facts MCQs. Everyday Science MCQs with Answers.


3.Discoveries/Inventions4.Measuring Tools
5. MCQS Material6.Scientific Reasons
7.Differences8.Short/Long Notes

A thermostat is ________?

A. A device used to maintain a constant temperature of a water bath or an oven
B. A modern type of thermoflask which work on the principle of equipartition of heat energy
C. An instrument by which the accuracy of thermometers determined
D. A device which varies the temperature of a bath




Submitted by: Toheed Ahmed