Pressure | Barometer |
Voltage | Voltmeter |
Purity Of Milk | Lactometer |
Temperature | Thermometer |
Velocity Of Wind | Anemometer |
Earthquake | Richter Scale |
Degree Of Humidity | Hygrometer |
Blood Pressure | Sphygmomanometer |
Radioactivity | Geiger Counter |
High Temperature | Pyrometer |
Rainfall | Rain Guage |
Earthquake Recording | Seismograph |
Electric current | Ammeter |
Altitude | Altimeter |
Velocity And Direction Of Wind | Anemometer |
Sensitivity Of Skin | Algeismeter |
Atmospheric Pressure | Aneriodograph/Barometer |
Improvement Of Hearing Power | Audiometer |
Quantity Of Heat | Calorimeter |
Intensities Of Colours | Colorimeter |
Longitude Of Vessel Over Sea | Chronometer |
Detection Of Electric Charge | Electroscope |
Voltage Difference | Electrometer |
Depth Of The Ocean | Fathometer |
Small Electric Current | Galvanometer |
Relative Density of Liquids | Hydrometer |
Change In Atmospheric Humidity | Hygroscope |
Detection And Measurement of Light | Photoelectric Cell |
Salinity of Water | Salinometer |
Spectrum Analysis | Spectroscope |
Hearing of Heartbeat And Lung Sound | Stethoscope |
Maintenance of A Constant Temperature | Thermostat |
Amplification Of Current | Transistor |
Measurement of Potential Difference Between Two Points | Voltammeter |
Flow Of Air | Aerometer |
Radiant Energy | Radiometer |
Conversion Of Rays Into Mechanical energy | Radiograph |
Measurement Of Intensity Of Light | Lucimeter |
Discoveries/Inventions – Everyday Science
Discoveries/Inventions | Scientists |
Atomic Number | Mosley |
Antiseptic Medicine | Joseph Lister |
Aeroplane | Wilbur and Orville Wright |
AK-47 | Mikhail Kalashnikov |
Bicycle | Macmillan |
Binomial Nomenclature | Carl Von Linnaeus |
Bacteriology | Pasteur |
Battery | Alessandro Volta |
Big Bang Theory | Georges Lemaitre |
Bakelite | Baekeland |
Ballpoint pen | Laszlo And Georg Biro |
Blood Banking | Charles Drew |
Current Electricity | Volta |
Cell | Robert Hooke |
Circulation Of Blood | William Harvey |
Cement | Joseph Aspdin |
Computer | Charles Babbage |
Cyclotron | Ernest Lawrence |
Cell Theory | Scheilden And Schwann |
Cholera Bacillus | Robert Koch |
Chromosome | Waldeyer |
Cotton Gin | Eli Whitney |
Cellular Phone | Dr. Martin Cooper |
Calculating Machine | Blaise Pascal |
DDT | Paul Muller |
Dynamite | Alfred Noble |
Electricity | Thomas Edison |
Electro Magnetic Engine | James Maxwell |
Earth As A Huge Magnet | William Gilbert |
E.M Induction | Faraday |
Energy Quanta | Max Planck |
Earth‘s Radius | Eratosthenes |
Earth Revolves Round The Sun | Copernicus |
Electromagnetic theory | James Clerk Maxwell |
Electron | J.J Thomson |
First Person To Orbit Earth | Yuri Gagarin |
First Clone Of A Sheep | Ian Wilmit |
Father Of Botany | Theophrastus |
Father Of Zoology | Aristotle |
Father Of Taxonomy | Carolus Linnaeus |
Father Of Genetics | Gregor Mendel |
First Person To Televise Pictures Of Moving Objects | John Logie Baird |
Genetic Laws of Heredity | Mendel |
Gramophone | Thomas Edison |
Gravitation | Newton |
Gun Powder | Roger Bacon |
Green Land | Robert Peary |
Helical Structure Of Protein | Linus Pauling |
Helicopter | Igor Sikorsky |
Household Vacuum Cleaner | Herbert Cecil Booth |
Integrated Circuit | Robert Noyce |
Insulin | Dr. F.G Banting |
Internal Combustion Engine | Nikolas August Otto |
Jet Engine | Frank Whittle |
Jupiter | Galileo |
Laser | Theodore Maiman |
Law Of Attraction And Repulsion Between Electric Charges | Coulomb |
Logarithm Table | John Napier |
Lightening Conductor | Benjamin Franklin |
Laser | Dr. C. Gilbert |
Microorganisms | Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek |
Mass/Energy Conversion Equation | Einstein |
Magnet | Dr. Gilbert |
Malaria Parasite | Ronald Ross |
Mercury Thermometer | Fahrenheit |
Noble Gases | Cavendish |
Nucleus | Robert Brown |
North America | Christopher Columbus |
Neutron | James Chadwick |
Nylon | Wallace. H Carothers |
Oxygen | Joseph Priestley |
Polio Vaccine | Jonas Salk |
Periodic Table | Mendeleev |
Penicillin | Alexander Fleming |
Radio | Marconi |
Radioactivity | Becquerel |
Radium | Madam Marie Curie |
Rabies Vaccination | Louis Pasteur |
Structure Of DNA | Watson & Crick |
Simple Microscope | Hans Janssen and Zacharias Janssen |
Sulphuric, Nitric and Hydrochloric Acid | Jabir Bin Hayan |
Semiconductor | Bardeen and Brattain |
Streptomycin | S.A.Waksman |
Safety Match | John Walker |
Synthesis Of Gene In Laboratory | Hargobind Khorana |
Steam Railway Locomotive | Richard Trevithick |
Solar System | Copernicus |
Telephone | Graham Bell |
Television | John Baird |
Transistor | William Bradford Shockley |
Typewriter | Sholes |
Theory Of Relativity And Photoelectric Effect | Einstein |
Tuberculosis | Robert Koch |
Uranus | Herschel |
Uncertainty Principle | Heisenberg |
Ultra Violet Rays | Johann Wilhelm Ritter |
Vaccination Against Small Pox | Edward Jenner |
Vitamin. C Therapy | Linus Pauling |
Vitamins | Funk |
Velocity Of Light | Roomer |
Wireless Telegraphy | Signor Marconi |
Water | Henry Cavendish |
Windscreen Wipers | Marry Anderson |
X-rays | Roentgen |
Zero | Al Khwarizmi |
Units – Everyday Science
Force | Newton/ Dyne |
Temperature | Kelvin/ Celsius/ Degree |
Current | Ampere |
Heat | Joule/ Calorie/ BTU |
Pressure | Pascal/Torr |
Radioactivity | Becquerel/Curie/Rutherford |
Atomic energy | Rydberg/Joule |
Voltage | Volt |
Electric Potential Difference | Volt |
Electric Charge | Coulomb |
Power | Watt |
Resistance | Ohm |
Conductivity | Mho |
Energy | Joule/ Erg |
Distance Between Stars And Planets | Light Year |
Wavelength | Angstrom |
Volume | Acre-Foot/Litre |
Frequency | Hertz |
Rate of flow of water | Cusec |
Length | Meter/Fermi/Parsec |
Optical Power Of A Lens or A Curved Mirror | Dioptre |
Plane Angle | Radian |
Luminous Intensity | Candela |
Amount of Substance | Mole |
Rate Of Decay Of Radioactive Material | Rutherford |
Sedimentation Rate | SVEDBERG Unit |
Induction | Henry |
Magnetic flux | Maxwell/ Weber |
Magnetic Flux Density/Magnetic Inductivity | Telsa/Gauss |
Electric Conductance | Siemens |
Angle | Degree |
Solid Angle | Steradian |
Torque | Foot-Pound |
Mechanical work/Energy | Erg |
Magneto Motive Force | Gilbert |
Abbreviations – Everyday Science
ABM | Anti-Ballistic Missile |
AC | Alternating Current/Air Conditioning |
AEC | Atomic Energy Commission |
ALT | Altitude |
AM | Ante Maridiem (Before Noon/Midday) |
AMP | Ampere |
APTEC | All Pakistan Technology Engineers Council |
ATM | Automated Teller Machine (Banking) |
AW | Atomic Weight/ Asia Watch |
ADH | Anti-diuretic Hormone |
AWACS | Airborne Warning and Control System |
AMU | Atomic Mass Unit |
AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome |
ATP | Adenosine Tri Phosphate |
BTU | British thermal Unit |
BASIC | Beginner‘s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code |
BDS | Bachelor Of Dental Surgery/ Bomb Disposal Squad |
BP | Blood Pressure/ Boiling Point/ Blue Print |
BIOS | Basic Input Output System |
BCG | Bacillus Calmette Guerin |
BOT | Build, Operate and Transfer/Botulinum Toxin |
C/A | Current Account |
CFC | Chloro Fluoro Carbon |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CRO | Cathode Ray Oscilloscope |
CRT | Cathode Ray Tube |
CNS | Central Nervous System |
CCTV | Closed-Circuit Television |
CAA | Civil Aviation Authority |
CABB | Centre Of Agricultural Biochemistry And Biotechnology |
CAD | ComputerAided Design |
Cal | Calorie |
CD | Compact Disc/ Civil Defence/ Community Development |
CD-ROM | Compact Disc Read-Only Memory |
CECP | Cotton Export Corporation Of Pakistan |
CHASNUPP | Chashma Nuclear Power Plant |
CMCC | China Mobile Communications Corporation |
COM | Computer Aided Manufacturing |
COMSAT | Communications Satellite Corporation |
COMSTECH | Council Of Scientific And Technology Cooperation Of Islamic Conference |
CSIRO | Commonwealth Scientific And Industrial Research Organisation |
CTBT | Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty |
CT-Scan | Computerised Axial Tomography Scanning |
CNG | Compressed Natural Gas |
DNA | Deoxyribonucleic Acid |
DBS | Data Base Server/ Direct Broadcast Satellite |
DVD | Dynamic Versatile Disc |
EMF | Electro Motive force |
ETT | Educational Telecommunications and Technology/ European Transaction on Telecommunication |
ECAT | Engineering Colleges Admission Test |
EDB | Engineering Development Board |
EEG | Electroencephalogram |
ENERCON | Energy Conservation Centre |
EPA | Energy Protection Agency |
EPD | Energy Protection Department |
ESA | European Space Agency |
ESRO | European Space Research Organisation |
ECG | Electro Cardio Gram |
FAT | File Allocation Table |
FCPS | Fellow Of The Royal College Of Physicians And Surgeons |
FM | Frequency Modulation |
FMCT | Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty |
FRCS | Fellow Of The Royal College Of Surgeons |
GeV | Giga Electro Volt |
GUT | Grand Unified Theory |
GHz | Gigahertz |
GB | Gigabyte |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time |
HIV | Human Immune Deficiency Virus |
HTML | Hypertext Mark-Up Language |
HTTP | Hyper Text Transfer Protocol |
HST | High Speed Technology/ High Speed Train (in UK)/Hubble Space Telescope |
HDL | Hardware Description Language |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency (UN) |
IBM | International Business Machine |
IC | Integrated Circuit/ Intelligence Corps |
ICBM | Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile |
ICU | Intensive Care Unit |
IEA | International Energy Agency |
INSTRAW | International Research And Training Institute For The Advancement Of Women |
INTELSAC | International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium |
INTELSAT | International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation |
IRBM | Intermediate Range ballistic Missile |
ISP | Internet Service Provider |
IT | Information Technology |
ITB | Information Technology Board |
JAXA | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency |
KANUPP | Karachi Nuclear Power Plant |
KAPCO | Kot Adu Power Company |
kHz | Kilohertz |
KV | Kilo Volt |
kW | Kilowatt |
KWh | Kilo Watt Hour |
LPG | Liquefied Petroleum Gas |
LASER | Light Amplification by Stimulated emission of Radiation |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LDL | Low Density Lipoprotein |
LED | Light emitting Diode |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display |
LONAR | Long Range Navigation |
MAF | Million Acre Feet |
MCV | Mean Corpuscular Volume |
MASER | Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation |
MeV | Mega Electron Volt/ Million Electron Volt/ Multi-experiment Viewer |
MCAT | Medical Colleges Admission Test |
MDS | Master In Dental Surgery |
MNP | Mobile Number Probability |
MRBM | Medium Range Ballistic Missile |
MRCP | Member Of Royal College Of Physicians |
MRCS | Member Of Royal College Of Surgeons |
MRI | Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
MS | Medical Superintendent |
MSN | Microsoft Network |
MW | Megawatt |
NADRA | National Database And Registration Authority |
NEPRA | National Electric Power Regulatory Authority |
NM | Nautical Mile |
NMD | National Missile Defence |
NPT | Non-Nuclear Proliferation Treaty |
NRA | Nuclear Regulatory Authority |
NWD | Nation Wide Dialling |
NTP | Network Time Protocol/ Normal Temperature and Pressure |
NPN | Negative Positive Negative |
OGRA | Oil And Gas Regulatory Authority |
OGDC | Oil And Gas Development Corporation |
PVC | Poly vinyl Chloride |
PTFE | Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene |
pm | Post Meridian |
PEMRA | Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority |
PTA | Pakistan Telecommunication Authority |
PNP | Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase |
RBC | Red Blood Cells/Corpuscles |
RNA | Ribonucleic Acid |
RAM | Random Access Memory |
ROM | Read Only Memory |
RQ | Respiratory Quotient |
RADAR | Radio Detection And Ranging |
SONAR | Sound Navigation And Ranging |
SARS | Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome |
STP | Standard Temperature And Pressure/Shielded Twisted Pair/Sodium Tripolyphosphate/Spanning Tree Protocol |
SALT | Strategic Arms Limitation Talks |
SLV | Satellite Launch Vehicle |
SMS | Short Message Service |
SNGPL | Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited |
SONAR | Sound Navigation And Ranging |
SSGPL | Sui Southern Gas Pipeline Limited |
STD | Subscriber‘s Trunk Dialling |
STM | Subscriber Identification |
SUPARCO | Space And Upper Atmosphere Research Committee (Pakistan) |
TNT | Tri Nitro Toluen |
TB | Tubercle Bacillus/ Tuberculosis |
UHF | Ultra High Frequency |
UNAEC | United Nations Atomic Energy Commission |
UNESCO | United Nations Education, Scientific And Cultural Organisation |
VCD | Video Compact Disc |
VHF | Very High Frequency |
WWW | World Wide Web |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WAP | Wireless Application Protocol |
WAPDA | Water And Power Development Authority |
WHO | World Health Organisation |
WMD | Weapons Of Mass Destruction |
WWF | World Wildlife Fund |
ZPG | Zero Population Growth |