Pressure | Barometer |
Voltage | Voltmeter |
Purity Of Milk | Lactometer |
Temperature | Thermometer |
Velocity Of Wind | Anemometer |
Earthquake | Richter Scale |
Degree Of Humidity | Hygrometer |
Blood Pressure | Sphygmomanometer |
Radioactivity | Geiger Counter |
High Temperature | Pyrometer |
Rainfall | Rain Guage |
Earthquake Recording | Seismograph |
Electric current | Ammeter |
Altitude | Altimeter |
Velocity And Direction Of Wind | Anemometer |
Sensitivity Of Skin | Algeismeter |
Atmospheric Pressure | Aneriodograph/Barometer |
Improvement Of Hearing Power | Audiometer |
Quantity Of Heat | Calorimeter |
Intensities Of Colours | Colorimeter |
Longitude Of Vessel Over Sea | Chronometer |
Detection Of Electric Charge | Electroscope |
Voltage Difference | Electrometer |
Depth Of The Ocean | Fathometer |
Small Electric Current | Galvanometer |
Relative Density of Liquids | Hydrometer |
Change In Atmospheric Humidity | Hygroscope |
Detection And Measurement of Light | Photoelectric Cell |
Salinity of Water | Salinometer |
Spectrum Analysis | Spectroscope |
Hearing of Heartbeat And Lung Sound | Stethoscope |
Maintenance of A Constant Temperature | Thermostat |
Amplification Of Current | Transistor |
Measurement of Potential Difference Between Two Points | Voltammeter |
Flow Of Air | Aerometer |
Radiant Energy | Radiometer |
Conversion Of Rays Into Mechanical energy | Radiograph |
Measurement Of Intensity Of Light | Lucimeter |
Which was first country to recognize Pakistan?
A. Afghanistan
B. Saudi Arabia
C. Iran
D. Bangladesh
Submitted by: Engr. Abdul Hafeez
Discoveries/Inventions – Everyday Science
Discoveries/Inventions | Scientists |
Atomic Number | Mosley |
Antiseptic Medicine | Joseph Lister |
Aeroplane | Wilbur and Orville Wright |
AK-47 | Mikhail Kalashnikov |
Bicycle | Macmillan |
Binomial Nomenclature | Carl Von Linnaeus |
Bacteriology | Pasteur |
Battery | Alessandro Volta |
Big Bang Theory | Georges Lemaitre |
Bakelite | Baekeland |
Ballpoint pen | Laszlo And Georg Biro |
Blood Banking | Charles Drew |
Current Electricity | Volta |
Cell | Robert Hooke |
Circulation Of Blood | William Harvey |
Cement | Joseph Aspdin |
Computer | Charles Babbage |
Cyclotron | Ernest Lawrence |
Cell Theory | Scheilden And Schwann |
Cholera Bacillus | Robert Koch |
Chromosome | Waldeyer |
Cotton Gin | Eli Whitney |
Cellular Phone | Dr. Martin Cooper |
Calculating Machine | Blaise Pascal |
DDT | Paul Muller |
Dynamite | Alfred Noble |
Electricity | Thomas Edison |
Electro Magnetic Engine | James Maxwell |
Earth As A Huge Magnet | William Gilbert |
E.M Induction | Faraday |
Energy Quanta | Max Planck |
Earth‘s Radius | Eratosthenes |
Earth Revolves Round The Sun | Copernicus |
Electromagnetic theory | James Clerk Maxwell |
Electron | J.J Thomson |
First Person To Orbit Earth | Yuri Gagarin |
First Clone Of A Sheep | Ian Wilmit |
Father Of Botany | Theophrastus |
Father Of Zoology | Aristotle |
Father Of Taxonomy | Carolus Linnaeus |
Father Of Genetics | Gregor Mendel |
First Person To Televise Pictures Of Moving Objects | John Logie Baird |
Genetic Laws of Heredity | Mendel |
Gramophone | Thomas Edison |
Gravitation | Newton |
Gun Powder | Roger Bacon |
Green Land | Robert Peary |
Helical Structure Of Protein | Linus Pauling |
Helicopter | Igor Sikorsky |
Household Vacuum Cleaner | Herbert Cecil Booth |
Integrated Circuit | Robert Noyce |
Insulin | Dr. F.G Banting |
Internal Combustion Engine | Nikolas August Otto |
Jet Engine | Frank Whittle |
Jupiter | Galileo |
Laser | Theodore Maiman |
Law Of Attraction And Repulsion Between Electric Charges | Coulomb |
Logarithm Table | John Napier |
Lightening Conductor | Benjamin Franklin |
Laser | Dr. C. Gilbert |
Microorganisms | Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek |
Mass/Energy Conversion Equation | Einstein |
Magnet | Dr. Gilbert |
Malaria Parasite | Ronald Ross |
Mercury Thermometer | Fahrenheit |
Noble Gases | Cavendish |
Nucleus | Robert Brown |
North America | Christopher Columbus |
Neutron | James Chadwick |
Nylon | Wallace. H Carothers |
Oxygen | Joseph Priestley |
Polio Vaccine | Jonas Salk |
Periodic Table | Mendeleev |
Penicillin | Alexander Fleming |
Radio | Marconi |
Radioactivity | Becquerel |
Radium | Madam Marie Curie |
Rabies Vaccination | Louis Pasteur |
Structure Of DNA | Watson & Crick |
Simple Microscope | Hans Janssen and Zacharias Janssen |
Sulphuric, Nitric and Hydrochloric Acid | Jabir Bin Hayan |
Semiconductor | Bardeen and Brattain |
Streptomycin | S.A.Waksman |
Safety Match | John Walker |
Synthesis Of Gene In Laboratory | Hargobind Khorana |
Steam Railway Locomotive | Richard Trevithick |
Solar System | Copernicus |
Telephone | Graham Bell |
Television | John Baird |
Transistor | William Bradford Shockley |
Typewriter | Sholes |
Theory Of Relativity And Photoelectric Effect | Einstein |
Tuberculosis | Robert Koch |
Uranus | Herschel |
Uncertainty Principle | Heisenberg |
Ultra Violet Rays | Johann Wilhelm Ritter |
Vaccination Against Small Pox | Edward Jenner |
Vitamin. C Therapy | Linus Pauling |
Vitamins | Funk |
Velocity Of Light | Roomer |
Wireless Telegraphy | Signor Marconi |
Water | Henry Cavendish |
Windscreen Wipers | Marry Anderson |
X-rays | Roentgen |
Zero | Al Khwarizmi |
Units – Everyday Science
Force | Newton/ Dyne |
Temperature | Kelvin/ Celsius/ Degree |
Current | Ampere |
Heat | Joule/ Calorie/ BTU |
Pressure | Pascal/Torr |
Radioactivity | Becquerel/Curie/Rutherford |
Atomic energy | Rydberg/Joule |
Voltage | Volt |
Electric Potential Difference | Volt |
Electric Charge | Coulomb |
Power | Watt |
Resistance | Ohm |
Conductivity | Mho |
Energy | Joule/ Erg |
Distance Between Stars And Planets | Light Year |
Wavelength | Angstrom |
Volume | Acre-Foot/Litre |
Frequency | Hertz |
Rate of flow of water | Cusec |
Length | Meter/Fermi/Parsec |
Optical Power Of A Lens or A Curved Mirror | Dioptre |
Plane Angle | Radian |
Luminous Intensity | Candela |
Amount of Substance | Mole |
Rate Of Decay Of Radioactive Material | Rutherford |
Sedimentation Rate | SVEDBERG Unit |
Induction | Henry |
Magnetic flux | Maxwell/ Weber |
Magnetic Flux Density/Magnetic Inductivity | Telsa/Gauss |
Electric Conductance | Siemens |
Angle | Degree |
Solid Angle | Steradian |
Torque | Foot-Pound |
Mechanical work/Energy | Erg |
Magneto Motive Force | Gilbert |
Abbreviations – Everyday Science
ABM | Anti-Ballistic Missile |
AC | Alternating Current/Air Conditioning |
AEC | Atomic Energy Commission |
ALT | Altitude |
AM | Ante Maridiem (Before Noon/Midday) |
AMP | Ampere |
APTEC | All Pakistan Technology Engineers Council |
ATM | Automated Teller Machine (Banking) |
AW | Atomic Weight/ Asia Watch |
ADH | Anti-diuretic Hormone |
AWACS | Airborne Warning and Control System |
AMU | Atomic Mass Unit |
AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome |
ATP | Adenosine Tri Phosphate |
BTU | British thermal Unit |
BASIC | Beginner‘s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code |
BDS | Bachelor Of Dental Surgery/ Bomb Disposal Squad |
BP | Blood Pressure/ Boiling Point/ Blue Print |
BIOS | Basic Input Output System |
BCG | Bacillus Calmette Guerin |
BOT | Build, Operate and Transfer/Botulinum Toxin |
C/A | Current Account |
CFC | Chloro Fluoro Carbon |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CRO | Cathode Ray Oscilloscope |
CRT | Cathode Ray Tube |
CNS | Central Nervous System |
CCTV | Closed-Circuit Television |
CAA | Civil Aviation Authority |
CABB | Centre Of Agricultural Biochemistry And Biotechnology |
CAD | ComputerAided Design |
Cal | Calorie |
CD | Compact Disc/ Civil Defence/ Community Development |
CD-ROM | Compact Disc Read-Only Memory |
CECP | Cotton Export Corporation Of Pakistan |
CHASNUPP | Chashma Nuclear Power Plant |
CMCC | China Mobile Communications Corporation |
COM | Computer Aided Manufacturing |
COMSAT | Communications Satellite Corporation |
COMSTECH | Council Of Scientific And Technology Cooperation Of Islamic Conference |
CSIRO | Commonwealth Scientific And Industrial Research Organisation |
CTBT | Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty |
CT-Scan | Computerised Axial Tomography Scanning |
CNG | Compressed Natural Gas |
DNA | Deoxyribonucleic Acid |
DBS | Data Base Server/ Direct Broadcast Satellite |
DVD | Dynamic Versatile Disc |
EMF | Electro Motive force |
ETT | Educational Telecommunications and Technology/ European Transaction on Telecommunication |
ECAT | Engineering Colleges Admission Test |
EDB | Engineering Development Board |
EEG | Electroencephalogram |
ENERCON | Energy Conservation Centre |
EPA | Energy Protection Agency |
EPD | Energy Protection Department |
ESA | European Space Agency |
ESRO | European Space Research Organisation |
ECG | Electro Cardio Gram |
FAT | File Allocation Table |
FCPS | Fellow Of The Royal College Of Physicians And Surgeons |
FM | Frequency Modulation |
FMCT | Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty |
FRCS | Fellow Of The Royal College Of Surgeons |
GeV | Giga Electro Volt |
GUT | Grand Unified Theory |
GHz | Gigahertz |
GB | Gigabyte |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time |
HIV | Human Immune Deficiency Virus |
HTML | Hypertext Mark-Up Language |
HTTP | Hyper Text Transfer Protocol |
HST | High Speed Technology/ High Speed Train (in UK)/Hubble Space Telescope |
HDL | Hardware Description Language |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency (UN) |
IBM | International Business Machine |
IC | Integrated Circuit/ Intelligence Corps |
ICBM | Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile |
ICU | Intensive Care Unit |
IEA | International Energy Agency |
INSTRAW | International Research And Training Institute For The Advancement Of Women |
INTELSAC | International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium |
INTELSAT | International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation |
IRBM | Intermediate Range ballistic Missile |
ISP | Internet Service Provider |
IT | Information Technology |
ITB | Information Technology Board |
JAXA | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency |
KANUPP | Karachi Nuclear Power Plant |
KAPCO | Kot Adu Power Company |
kHz | Kilohertz |
KV | Kilo Volt |
kW | Kilowatt |
KWh | Kilo Watt Hour |
LPG | Liquefied Petroleum Gas |
LASER | Light Amplification by Stimulated emission of Radiation |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LDL | Low Density Lipoprotein |
LED | Light emitting Diode |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display |
LONAR | Long Range Navigation |
MAF | Million Acre Feet |
MCV | Mean Corpuscular Volume |
MASER | Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation |
MeV | Mega Electron Volt/ Million Electron Volt/ Multi-experiment Viewer |
MCAT | Medical Colleges Admission Test |
MDS | Master In Dental Surgery |
MNP | Mobile Number Probability |
MRBM | Medium Range Ballistic Missile |
MRCP | Member Of Royal College Of Physicians |
MRCS | Member Of Royal College Of Surgeons |
MRI | Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
MS | Medical Superintendent |
MSN | Microsoft Network |
MW | Megawatt |
NADRA | National Database And Registration Authority |
NEPRA | National Electric Power Regulatory Authority |
NM | Nautical Mile |
NMD | National Missile Defence |
NPT | Non-Nuclear Proliferation Treaty |
NRA | Nuclear Regulatory Authority |
NWD | Nation Wide Dialling |
NTP | Network Time Protocol/ Normal Temperature and Pressure |
NPN | Negative Positive Negative |
OGRA | Oil And Gas Regulatory Authority |
OGDC | Oil And Gas Development Corporation |
PVC | Poly vinyl Chloride |
PTFE | Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene |
pm | Post Meridian |
PEMRA | Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority |
PTA | Pakistan Telecommunication Authority |
PNP | Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase |
RBC | Red Blood Cells/Corpuscles |
RNA | Ribonucleic Acid |
RAM | Random Access Memory |
ROM | Read Only Memory |
RQ | Respiratory Quotient |
RADAR | Radio Detection And Ranging |
SONAR | Sound Navigation And Ranging |
SARS | Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome |
STP | Standard Temperature And Pressure/Shielded Twisted Pair/Sodium Tripolyphosphate/Spanning Tree Protocol |
SALT | Strategic Arms Limitation Talks |
SLV | Satellite Launch Vehicle |
SMS | Short Message Service |
SNGPL | Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited |
SONAR | Sound Navigation And Ranging |
SSGPL | Sui Southern Gas Pipeline Limited |
STD | Subscriber‘s Trunk Dialling |
STM | Subscriber Identification |
SUPARCO | Space And Upper Atmosphere Research Committee (Pakistan) |
TNT | Tri Nitro Toluen |
TB | Tubercle Bacillus/ Tuberculosis |
UHF | Ultra High Frequency |
UNAEC | United Nations Atomic Energy Commission |
UNESCO | United Nations Education, Scientific And Cultural Organisation |
VCD | Video Compact Disc |
VHF | Very High Frequency |
WWW | World Wide Web |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WAP | Wireless Application Protocol |
WAPDA | Water And Power Development Authority |
WHO | World Health Organisation |
WMD | Weapons Of Mass Destruction |
WWF | World Wildlife Fund |
ZPG | Zero Population Growth |
My friend says, “I can’t help you, sorry. I have a lot of work to do.
A. My friend says I can’t help you because I have a lot of work to do.
B. My friend says he can’t help me because he has a lot of work to do.
C. My friend says he can’t help me because he has a lot of work to do.
D. My friend says that I can’t help you I have a lot of work to do.
Submitted by: Toheed Ahmed
My friend said to me,” I will meet you tonight.
A. My friend told me that I will meet you tonight.
B. My friend told that he will meet me tonight.
C. My friend told me that he would meet me that night.
D. My friend said to me that he will meet me that night.
Submitted by: Toheed Ahmed
Idiom “To cut long story short” means?
A. Tell the story briefly
B. Come to the point
C. Miss the main points
D. None of above
Submitted by: Toheed Ahmed
Which one of the following is antonym of ” Apocryphal ” while others are synonyms?
A. Genuine
B. Mythical
C. Obscure
D. Unsubstantiated
Submitted by: Toheed Ahmed
Which one of the following is antonym of ” Raucous” while others are synonyms?
A. Hoarse
B. Subdued
C. Strident
D. Discordant
Submitted by: Toheed Ahmed