Measuring Tools – Everyday Science

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Purity Of MilkLactometer
Velocity Of WindAnemometer
EarthquakeRichter Scale
Degree Of HumidityHygrometer
Blood PressureSphygmomanometer
RadioactivityGeiger Counter
High TemperaturePyrometer
RainfallRain Guage
Earthquake RecordingSeismograph
Electric currentAmmeter
Velocity And Direction Of WindAnemometer
Sensitivity Of SkinAlgeismeter
Atmospheric PressureAneriodograph/Barometer
Improvement Of Hearing PowerAudiometer
Quantity Of HeatCalorimeter
Intensities Of ColoursColorimeter
Longitude Of Vessel Over SeaChronometer
Detection Of Electric ChargeElectroscope
Voltage DifferenceElectrometer
Depth Of The OceanFathometer
Small Electric CurrentGalvanometer
Relative Density of LiquidsHydrometer
Change In Atmospheric HumidityHygroscope
Detection And Measurement of LightPhotoelectric Cell
Salinity of WaterSalinometer
Spectrum AnalysisSpectroscope
Hearing of Heartbeat And Lung SoundStethoscope
Maintenance of A Constant TemperatureThermostat
Amplification Of CurrentTransistor
Measurement of Potential Difference Between Two PointsVoltammeter
Flow Of AirAerometer
Radiant EnergyRadiometer
Conversion Of Rays Into Mechanical energyRadiograph
Measurement Of Intensity Of LightLucimeter

Discoveries/Inventions – Everyday Science

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Atomic NumberMosley
Antiseptic MedicineJoseph Lister
AeroplaneWilbur and Orville Wright
AK-47Mikhail Kalashnikov
Binomial NomenclatureCarl Von Linnaeus
BatteryAlessandro Volta
Big Bang TheoryGeorges Lemaitre
Ballpoint penLaszlo And Georg Biro
Blood BankingCharles Drew
Current ElectricityVolta
CellRobert Hooke
Circulation Of BloodWilliam Harvey
CementJoseph Aspdin
ComputerCharles Babbage
CyclotronErnest Lawrence
Cell TheoryScheilden And Schwann
Cholera BacillusRobert Koch
Cotton GinEli Whitney
Cellular PhoneDr. Martin Cooper
Calculating MachineBlaise Pascal
DDTPaul Muller
DynamiteAlfred Noble
ElectricityThomas Edison
Electro Magnetic EngineJames Maxwell
Earth As A Huge MagnetWilliam Gilbert
E.M InductionFaraday
Energy QuantaMax Planck
Earth‘s RadiusEratosthenes
Earth Revolves Round The SunCopernicus
Electromagnetic theoryJames Clerk Maxwell
ElectronJ.J Thomson
First Person To Orbit EarthYuri Gagarin
First Clone Of A SheepIan Wilmit
Father Of BotanyTheophrastus
Father Of ZoologyAristotle
Father Of TaxonomyCarolus Linnaeus
Father Of GeneticsGregor Mendel
First Person To Televise Pictures Of Moving ObjectsJohn Logie Baird
Genetic Laws of HeredityMendel
GramophoneThomas Edison
Gun PowderRoger Bacon
Green LandRobert Peary
Helical Structure Of ProteinLinus Pauling
HelicopterIgor Sikorsky
Household Vacuum CleanerHerbert Cecil Booth
Integrated CircuitRobert Noyce
InsulinDr. F.G Banting
Internal Combustion EngineNikolas August Otto
Jet EngineFrank Whittle
LaserTheodore Maiman
Law Of Attraction And Repulsion Between Electric ChargesCoulomb
Logarithm TableJohn Napier
Lightening ConductorBenjamin Franklin
LaserDr. C. Gilbert
MicroorganismsAntoni Van Leeuwenhoek
Mass/Energy Conversion EquationEinstein
MagnetDr. Gilbert
Malaria ParasiteRonald Ross
Mercury ThermometerFahrenheit
Noble GasesCavendish
NucleusRobert Brown
North AmericaChristopher Columbus
NeutronJames Chadwick
NylonWallace. H Carothers
OxygenJoseph Priestley
Polio VaccineJonas Salk
Periodic TableMendeleev
PenicillinAlexander Fleming
RadiumMadam Marie Curie
Rabies VaccinationLouis Pasteur
Structure Of DNAWatson & Crick
Simple MicroscopeHans Janssen and Zacharias Janssen
Sulphuric, Nitric and Hydrochloric AcidJabir Bin Hayan
SemiconductorBardeen and Brattain
Safety MatchJohn Walker
Synthesis Of Gene In LaboratoryHargobind Khorana
Steam Railway LocomotiveRichard Trevithick
Solar SystemCopernicus
TelephoneGraham Bell
TelevisionJohn Baird
TransistorWilliam Bradford Shockley
Theory Of Relativity And Photoelectric EffectEinstein
TuberculosisRobert Koch
Uncertainty PrincipleHeisenberg
Ultra Violet RaysJohann Wilhelm Ritter
Vaccination Against Small PoxEdward Jenner
Vitamin. C TherapyLinus Pauling
Velocity Of LightRoomer
Wireless TelegraphySignor Marconi
WaterHenry Cavendish
Windscreen WipersMarry Anderson
ZeroAl Khwarizmi

Units – Everyday Science

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ForceNewton/ Dyne
TemperatureKelvin/ Celsius/ Degree
HeatJoule/ Calorie/ BTU
Atomic energyRydberg/Joule
Electric Potential DifferenceVolt
Electric ChargeCoulomb
EnergyJoule/ Erg
Distance Between Stars And PlanetsLight Year
Rate of flow of waterCusec
Optical Power Of A Lens or A Curved MirrorDioptre
Plane AngleRadian
Luminous IntensityCandela
Amount of SubstanceMole
Rate Of Decay Of Radioactive MaterialRutherford
Sedimentation RateSVEDBERG Unit
Magnetic fluxMaxwell/ Weber
Magnetic Flux Density/Magnetic InductivityTelsa/Gauss
Electric ConductanceSiemens
Solid AngleSteradian
Mechanical work/EnergyErg
Magneto Motive ForceGilbert

Abbreviations – Everyday Science

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ABMAnti-Ballistic Missile
ACAlternating Current/Air Conditioning
AECAtomic Energy Commission
AMAnte Maridiem (Before Noon/Midday)
APTECAll Pakistan Technology Engineers Council
ATMAutomated Teller Machine (Banking)
AWAtomic Weight/ Asia Watch
ADHAnti-diuretic Hormone
AWACSAirborne Warning and Control System
AMU Atomic Mass Unit
AIDSAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
ATPAdenosine Tri Phosphate
BTUBritish thermal Unit
BASICBeginner‘s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BDSBachelor Of Dental Surgery/ Bomb Disposal Squad
BPBlood Pressure/ Boiling Point/ Blue Print
BIOSBasic Input Output System
BCGBacillus Calmette Guerin
BOTBuild, Operate and Transfer/Botulinum Toxin
C/ACurrent Account
CFCChloro Fluoro Carbon
CPUCentral Processing Unit
CROCathode Ray Oscilloscope
CRTCathode Ray Tube
CNSCentral Nervous System
CCTV Closed-Circuit Television
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CABBCentre Of Agricultural Biochemistry And Biotechnology
CADComputerAided Design
CDCompact Disc/ Civil Defence/ Community Development
CD-ROMCompact Disc Read-Only Memory
CECPCotton Export Corporation Of Pakistan
CHASNUPPChashma Nuclear Power Plant
CMCCChina Mobile Communications Corporation
COMComputer Aided Manufacturing
COMSATCommunications Satellite Corporation
COMSTECHCouncil Of Scientific And Technology Cooperation Of Islamic Conference
CSIROCommonwealth Scientific And Industrial Research Organisation
CTBTComprehensive Test Ban Treaty
CT-ScanComputerised Axial Tomography Scanning
CNGCompressed Natural Gas
DNADeoxyribonucleic Acid
DBSData Base Server/ Direct Broadcast Satellite
DVDDynamic Versatile Disc
EMF Electro Motive force
ETTEducational Telecommunications and Technology/ European Transaction on Telecommunication
ECATEngineering Colleges Admission Test
EDBEngineering Development Board
ENERCONEnergy Conservation Centre
EPAEnergy Protection Agency
EPDEnergy Protection Department
ESAEuropean Space Agency
ESROEuropean Space Research Organisation
ECGElectro Cardio Gram
FATFile Allocation Table
FCPSFellow Of The Royal College Of Physicians And Surgeons
FMFrequency Modulation
FMCTFissile Material Cut-Off Treaty
FRCSFellow Of The Royal College Of Surgeons
GeVGiga Electro Volt
GUTGrand Unified Theory
GMTGreenwich Mean Time
HIVHuman Immune Deficiency Virus
HTMLHypertext Mark-Up Language
HTTPHyper Text Transfer Protocol
HSTHigh Speed Technology/ High Speed Train (in UK)/Hubble Space Telescope
HDLHardware Description Language
IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency (UN)
IBMInternational Business Machine
ICIntegrated Circuit/ Intelligence Corps
ICBMInter-Continental Ballistic Missile
ICUIntensive Care Unit
IEAInternational Energy Agency
INSTRAWInternational Research And Training Institute For The Advancement Of Women
INTELSACInternational Telecommunications Satellite Consortium
INTELSATInternational Telecommunications Satellite Organisation
IRBMIntermediate Range ballistic Missile
ISPInternet Service Provider
ITInformation Technology
ITBInformation Technology Board
JAXAJapan Aerospace Exploration Agency
KANUPPKarachi Nuclear Power Plant
KAPCOKot Adu Power Company
KVKilo Volt
KWhKilo Watt Hour
LPGLiquefied Petroleum Gas
LASERLight Amplification by Stimulated emission of Radiation
LANLocal Area Network
LDLLow Density Lipoprotein
LEDLight emitting Diode
LCDLiquid Crystal Display
LONARLong Range Navigation
MAFMillion Acre Feet
MCVMean Corpuscular Volume
MASERMicrowave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
MeVMega Electron Volt/ Million Electron Volt/ Multi-experiment Viewer
MCATMedical Colleges Admission Test
MDSMaster In Dental Surgery
MNPMobile Number Probability
MRBMMedium Range Ballistic Missile
MRCPMember Of Royal College Of Physicians
MRCSMember Of Royal College Of Surgeons
MRIMagnetic Resonance Imaging
MSMedical Superintendent
MSNMicrosoft Network
NADRANational Database And Registration Authority
NEPRANational Electric Power Regulatory Authority
NMNautical Mile
NMDNational Missile Defence
NPTNon-Nuclear Proliferation Treaty
NRANuclear Regulatory Authority
NWDNation Wide Dialling
NTPNetwork Time Protocol/ Normal Temperature and Pressure
NPNNegative Positive Negative
OGRAOil And Gas Regulatory Authority
OGDCOil And Gas Development Corporation
PVCPoly vinyl Chloride
PTFEPoly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene
pmPost Meridian
PEMRAPakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority
PTAPakistan Telecommunication Authority
PNPPurine Nucleoside Phosphorylase
RBCRed Blood Cells/Corpuscles
RNARibonucleic Acid
RAMRandom Access Memory
ROMRead Only Memory
RQRespiratory Quotient
RADARRadio Detection And Ranging
SONARSound Navigation And Ranging
SARSSevere Acute Respiratory Syndrome
STPStandard Temperature And Pressure/Shielded Twisted Pair/Sodium Tripolyphosphate/Spanning Tree Protocol
SALTStrategic Arms Limitation Talks
SLVSatellite Launch Vehicle
SMSShort Message Service
SNGPLSui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited
SONARSound Navigation And Ranging
SSGPLSui Southern Gas Pipeline Limited
STDSubscriber‘s Trunk Dialling
STMSubscriber Identification
SUPARCOSpace And Upper Atmosphere Research Committee (Pakistan)
TNTTri Nitro Toluen
TBTubercle Bacillus/ Tuberculosis
UHFUltra High Frequency
UNAECUnited Nations Atomic Energy Commission
UNESCOUnited Nations Education, Scientific And Cultural Organisation
VCDVideo Compact Disc
VHFVery High Frequency
WWWWorld Wide Web
WANWide Area Network
WANWide Area Network
WAPWireless Application Protocol
WAPDAWater And Power Development Authority
WHOWorld Health Organisation
WMDWeapons Of Mass Destruction
WWFWorld Wildlife Fund
ZPGZero Population Growth

My friend says, “I can’t help you, sorry. I have a lot of work to do.

A. My friend says I can’t help you because I have a lot of work to do.
B. My friend says he can’t help me because he has a lot of work to do.
C. My friend says he can’t help me because he has a lot of work to do.
D. My friend says that I can’t help you I have a lot of work to do.




Submitted by: Toheed Ahmed

My friend said to me,” I will meet you tonight.

A. My friend told me that I will meet you tonight.
B. My friend told that he will meet me tonight.
C. My friend told me that he would meet me that night.
D. My friend said to me that he will meet me that night.




Submitted by: Toheed Ahmed